Thursday, July 12, 2007

Give up :(

Has it ever happened to you that you just feel like giving up, just want to lose and break apart. You don’t have the will or the courage to fight anymore. It seems losing the battle is the only way out. At least then you will have peace of mind. Then you don’t have to fight everyday. It will be perpetual bliss then even though you lost.
It’s happening to me now. I am fighting a monster. Whatever I do, I can’t make a dent in the desperate situation. When I try to win, all I end up doing is biting the dust. I am so sick and tired of the whole thing. It feels like with every attempt I make, the problem gets bigger and worse. It’s like its using the energy I m putting in to its own benefit, to feed itself and to grow more powerful. Now all I want to do is accept my defeat and run away from here. Somewhere far and peaceful, where this monster won’t haunt me anymore.
But the truth is I can’t do it, no matter how much I wish I could. What keeps me going is not the fear of defeat, I will accept it too gladly. It’s the shame of defeat. That’s what I fear. You have that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that you gave up. And all of us hate that feeling.

So I will fight till I learn to live with that shameful feeling. Does anyone has a better solution?

Sunday, July 8, 2007


A very nice movie is Ratatouille. It takes you on a journey of a well knitted story line with great graphics. A story about living your dreams, in spite of their absurdity and what others think about it. Its all about your passion, you true calling. Everything else takes a back seat.

The visual effects are nifty. The dishes look so delectable, you actually yearn for them. Kudos to the animators. A job well done.

Each character is well placed, complementing each other, revolving around the story in perfect harmony.

This one is a treat of the summer. A much needed cool respite after many stupid movies.

As Remy would put it..Yes! It's Lighteningy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Professional Friends

Two days back, I came across a new term: Professional Friends. Since then I am wondering about it's precise meaning. I mean either you could be friends or have a steely cold professional relation. How these two got merged is beyond me. Well, this new term shattered my long held beliefs.
I think it means that you got to pretend to be friends, have good time under the garb of friendship and then at the precise right moment blurt out 'Hey, we are just colleagues. Professional Friends.' and steer clear.
So far it sounds like a very beneficial term if used judiciously. I have had the first taste of it. I think I should keep it handy. Seemingly, if used properly, it can bear great results.
Hats off to the person who came up with this fantastic idea. So knavish, yet so subtle.

Use this term and rest assured, the other person wouldn't be able to say a word. He will just stare at you open mouthed in complete awe.
Long live Prefessional Friendship. Or should it be Short Live???

Someday, Someway

Today one of my collegues suggested that we should have a potluck.
Well, I supported her with all I had. Who wants to miss on the chance (or should I say golden oppurtunity) of having a variety of dishes in one meal.
Just one thing stopped me from saying ' Let's have it tomorrow'. The only problem is that even I am expected to bring in something. On top of that, something palatable. Now let me assure you, I am a gourmet. Believe me. But not a cook. I can't cook for the life of me. Sometimes I blame it on my busy schedule, at other times on the fact that cooking requires patience and I am not cut out for that.
So the bottomline is, I am a pathetic cook. A total waste when it comes to cooking. Leave alone conjuring up something pleasing to the taste buds, I can't come up with something to survive on.
I am sure that if I offer some dish of mine to some hungry, severly malnutritioned soul from a drought hit area, he would prefer dying after the first bite. I would have tried this but for the fear of being sued for inciting suicidal tendencies.
I have seen some of my friends stepping up to this great challenge of life. They are pretty decent cooks now. May be someday I too will be. Someday, Someway.