Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Harry is still #1

Since last 3-4 of months I am on a book reading spree. I finish with one and I want another one to kill my time. One thing I noticed is that a lot of writers are vying to fill in the void left by Harry Potter books. There are scores of writers dealing with magic and mythology right now. Though none of them comes close to Harry Potter, they do make an interesting read.
One thing which JK Rowling did with panache was imagine whole new worlds and creatures. This is is the very thing lacking with other writers. I have read Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson and Nicholas Flamel series recently. All of them deal with mythical creatures but none of them have the imagination of Harry Potter nor the twisting, all engrossing plots. All of them seem to pick myths from different parts of the world and extend on it. I wish something better hits the stands soon.

And yes, I didn't like the new Harry Potter movie. Why? Because of how the movie veers away from the original script.

Hiatus ends.

After a long, long break I am back. And I hope to be regular this time. I was raised from my slumber by one of my friends who on a daily basis kept me updating with what she's doing on her blog. She continually kept informing me of her 'new post', 'new template' and the likes.

I wonder if my other friends are active on their blogs or not these days. If not, I will pester them till they are.